Cluster discovery service

  "cluster": "{...}",
  "refresh_delay_ms": "..."
(required, object) A standard definition of an upstream cluster that hosts the cluster discovery service. The cluster must run a REST service that implements the CDS HTTP API.
(optional, integer) The delay, in milliseconds, between fetches to the CDS API. Envoy will add an additional random jitter to the delay that is between zero and refresh_delay_ms milliseconds. Thus the longest possible refresh delay is 2 * refresh_delay_ms. Default value is 30000ms (30 seconds).


GET /v1/clusters/(string: service_cluster)/(string: service_node)

Asks the discovery service to return all clusters for a particular service_cluster and service_node. service_cluster corresponds to the --service-cluster CLI option. service_node corresponds to the --service-node CLI option. Responses use the following JSON schema:

  "clusters": []
(Required, array) A list of clusters that will be dynamically added/modified within the cluster manager. Envoy will reconcile this list with the clusters that are currently loaded and either add/modify/remove clusters as necessary. Note that any clusters that are statically defined within the Envoy configuration cannot be modified via the CDS API.